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Welcome to Gen Voices, where we uncover the unique stories that define the generations. Currently, we're laser-focused on all things Generation X. So, if you're looking to be served up insights into the fascinating segments that make up this diverse cohort, you're in the right place.

Meet the many faces of Gen X

Think you know Gen X? Our research will make you think again. We've identified six segments and uncovered never-before-seen insights into their lifestyles, behaviours and financial status.

Wealthy, ambitious, liberal minds who value health, family, and social issues like climate change. They're outgoing, love adventure, and stay active.

"I like to embrace new experiences."

Financially comfortable introverts who value tradition, health, wealth, and family. They prefer stability and familiar activities over spontaneity.

"Health and family are my top priorities."

Younger, full-time workers who prioritise family and work-life balance over future planning or social engagement. They focus on possessions rather than experiences.

"My money goes on things that make life easier."

Socially conscious and left-leaning, they prioritise adventure and self-improvement over family time. Despite modest income, they aim to make a positive impact on society.

"Retirement is my chance to try new things."

Low-income and introverted, they save rather than spend and are pessimistic about retirement. Likely to have health issues, they lead a basic, quiet life, dictated by financial constraints.

"I keep a close eye on my budget as every penny counts."

In poor health and finances, they are mostly unemployed, younger, and female, with conservative values. They prioritise immediate gratification over planning, with little interest in change, travel, or new experiences.

"Travel? New things? Not really my bag."

Unlock the multi-facetedminds of the latchkey kids

Explore the objects below to discover how Gen X has evolved and reveal unique insights into every aspect of their lives from financial facts to yoga mats.

Bamboo skewer
Bamboo skewer
Cube of cheese
Cube of pineapple
Bamboo skewer

WhichGen Xsegmentare you?

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These Gen X insights are just the start. In our next release, we'll be exploring even more about Gen X's personality and their plans for the future. Share your details and we'll keep you in the loop.

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